Saving Lives Saving Dignity

End-of-life issues can be a touchy subject for some people. No one wants to talk about the issues before they happen, no one wants to go through them, and…no wants to talk about them after.
The result: Very few people know how to navigate end-of-life issues successfully. Most families that go through them suffer in some way. And…still no wants to talk about them.
Dr. Alan Molk and Dr. Robert Shapiro have spent decades dealing with these issues and they wrote a fantastic book called Saving Lives Saving Dignity. This book doesn’t dance around these taboo topics. From the experiences of these two doctors, both personally and professionally, it addresses these topics head on. This is a must-read book for anyone who is aging, ill, or has a family member in one of these two scenarios.
We are always encouraging the families that we work with to discuss these types of issues before they present themselves. Why? Making good, well informed decisions are almost impossible when extreme emotions are involved. Experience has taught us that these decisions also seem even more impossible when everyone has their separate opinion on these issues. So, our suggestion is this: Read the book, gain clarity about your wishes, make a plan, and have peace!
If you would like more information on this topic or would like to schedule a consultation, please give us a call. We’re always here to help.
Dr. Molk End of Life Legacy Planning Saving Lives Saving Dignity