Inflation has been a beast on the ole’ pocketbook. In the 4th quarter of 2023, household debt reached 17.5 trillion dollars with credit card debt – an increase of 50 billion dollars within that same quarter. This translates to Americans spending more with less capability to pay their debt. All while most of these same… Read more
The phrase “if you don’t use it, you will lose it” applies to more ways than one in retirement…It’s not just your health or mind – it could be your credit, too! You can spend a lifetime building and maintaining perfect credit only to watch it dwindle when you stop using it. Well, is it… Read more
The August 2008 Money Magazine offered up an article of several successful individuals talking about the smartest financial advice they have ever received. Billionaire and CEO of Virgin records, Richard Branson shared a story about his lack of knowledge in the financial realm and being humble about what you don’t know. Have you ever noticed… Read more
Graduation is a major step for those important young adults in our life. Whether it be graduating from high school or graduating from college, a parent’s goal is always to see their kids launch successfully and stay successfully launched. How do you do that? Well, we have few ideas for you. The Cost of Living.… Read more
Summer’s here, and the time is right for vacations, outdoor activities, and fun. It’s also a good time to consider a few financial matters. Here are some questions to ask yourself mid-year. Goals still the same for 2022? Has market volatility affected your goals? Note any changes since the first of the year that may… Read more
Perhaps you will be able to weather through this pandemic financially, but chances are that someone close to you will not. Pass this along. It may just save someone’s financial future. Transunion is monitoring the financial impact on U.S. Consumers weekly. In their latest report using data from the week ending March 30th, 3 out… Read more
…or at least bad debt. Marlene Satter is an author at ThinkAdvisor who recently wrote a piece called the 10 Scariest Retirement Statistics: 2019. 1 The title was very fitting. Much of the statistics were centered around debt. Take a look: Credit Card interest in 2018 was $113 billion – with a projected growth of… Read more
Wisdom isn’t something you are born with. Yet wisdom, once gained, can be the most valuable thing you achieve and maintain – second only to your relationships with God and those you love most in life. Wisdom is achieved through years of watching, listening, observing and experiencing. Much of the value we provide doesn’t come… Read more
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