Category: Investments


10 Questions Every Investor Needs to Ask

“Investing is complicated” –  but it isn’t. It’s complicated because there is a lot to learn when it comes to investing. It’s complicated because it is an ever-changing field. It’s complicated because the “how to” needs to be coupled with the “why,” and there really isn’t an answer on Google for that. It isn’t complicated…
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May 6, 2024 0

What is Your Money For?

Across most of the world, our American work ethic is perceived as crazy. There was an article in Business Insider called, 11 American Work Habits Other Countries Avoid at All Costs.1.  It named these: Crazy long hours Very little vacation time Not enough family leave Americans eat at their desk Breaks during the day are…
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January 30, 2024 0

Are CDs Just as Good as Investing in the Stock Market?

Let’s get something straight up front: This is not a recommendation for any single stock or strategy. It is purely informational and its intended purpose is to help you look at logic versus emotion when it comes to your dollars. Now, having said that… Unless you have been solely investing in the so-called Magnificent Seven…
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November 21, 2023 0
Roth IRA

Should You Convert to a Roth IRA?

There is nothing like waking up on a Monday morning…and taking a look at our national debt. That certainly ought to get your juices going, so let’s take a good look: Are you aware that as of September 2023, it costs 879 billion dollars to simply maintain our debt each year? This is 14% of…
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October 31, 2023 0

How Bad Will Inflation Effect My Retirement?

Let’s face it, inflation hurts. You may be buying a little less these days…or not, and just spending more. You may be performing a tango between the two. No matter, if you are breathing and spending your own money then chances are you’re starting to see the effects of inflation on your lifestyle. I heard…
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October 3, 2023 0
Got Cash?

Got Cash?

How quickly we have arrived! Cash was earning almost zero if you had a savings, money market, CDs, etc. Now it appears to be the hero. Day-to-day interest rates are fluctuating. Sometimes the moves are drastic, but here are some recent yields. Savings accounts earning over 4%, 3-month treasuries hover around 5% yield, and CDs…
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May 3, 2023 0
8 Life Planning Issues

Preventative Financial Care

The August 2008 Money Magazine offered up an article of several successful individuals talking about the smartest financial advice they have ever received. Billionaire and CEO of Virgin records, Richard Branson shared a story about his lack of knowledge in the financial realm and being humble about what you don’t know. Have you ever noticed…
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April 19, 2023 0

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket…or Should You?

These words of wisdom are just that—words of wisdom. Did you know they can also be words of catastrophe! If we’re talking about money, diversification is very good thing. It doesn’t solve everything, but it certainly hedges a lot of risk. So…these words of wisdom more than often apply. As your wealth and success grow…the…
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February 8, 2023 0

Investment Advice for the Times

The markets are a little bit choppy if you haven’t noticed. The economy is carrying a bit of a shadowy forecast these days and money seems to be getting tighter and tighter. If you turn on the news, there is not much besides doom and gloom. Then there is you—the hard-working American that just wants…
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September 20, 2022 0

5 Hidden Dollar Dings in Post-Pandemic America

We may not exactly be post-COVID yet, but our world is certainly settling into a new rhythm that looks a lot more normal than the past couple of years. With that being said, many Americans have made huge changes in this short time. Many companies went virtual in 2020, giving their employees the opportunity to…
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July 5, 2022 0

Securities offered through Calton & Associates, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Investment advisory services offered through Smart Money Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Smart Money Group, LLC and Kennedy Financial Services, Inc. are not owned or controlled by Calton & Associates, Inc.