Let’s face it…No one wants to talk politics these days, but facts are facts. We are approaching a presidential election, so politics need to be top of mind. As we dive in, I will give you peace of mind though. We are not going to provide any biased content and we are going to keep… Read more
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought- whoa, that can’t be right? Who is this old person staring back at me? As funny or not so funny as this may be, the fact is that life is short and it seems to hurry along faster the older we get. We look up and… Read more
Most people don’t even know how to answer that question, much less feel confident enough to answer with a resounding “yes.” The truth is that most assets are naturally not ‘asset protected.’ This means that unless you have done some planning and maneuvering specifically aimed at asset protection, well… These are the most common issues… Read more
Wait…That doesn’t sound right! Retirement years are supposed to be “the easy years,” right? There is a saying (paraphrased) that states that what messes up most in life is the picture in our head of how things are supposed to be. Retirement is a prime example of this. We assume that if we work hard,… Read more
1934 Great Depression 1935 Spanish Civil War 1936 Economy Still Struggling 1937 Recession 1938 War Clouds Gather 1939 War in Europe 1940 France Falls 1941 Pearl Harbor 1942 Wartime Price Controls 1943 Industry Mobilizes 1944 Consumer Goods Shortage 1945 Post-War Recession Predicted 1946 Dow Tops 200- MARKET HIGH 1947 Cold War Begins 1948 Berlin Blockade… Read more
The Pareto principle (known as the 80/20 rule) states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. How many times have you heard the 80/20 rule in conjunction with business, health, wealth, etc.? The implication associated with this is that 20% of your efforts produce 80% of the results. Interestingly,… Read more
For many Americans, putting money back into a retirement account such as a 401(k) or traditional IRA has been their primary choice to save for retirement. After all, most company plans offer some sort of matching incentive based on what you contribute and your contributions are deducted from your taxable income. In fact, you may… Read more
Medi-Share, which is a Christian healthcare sharing program used as an alternative to traditional health insurance, puts out a frequent newsletter with a short devotion or two. This week’s letter came at a perfect time. In case you’ve been hibernating, there is more than a bit of chaos in the world, in our nation, our… Read more
Can you hear it? It’s those two, ominous notes from the movie Jaws to let you know we are drawing nearer and nearer to the almost inevitable…the sunset of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. This could mean that higher income taxes and estate taxes are headed your way. It’s important to… Read more
Everything is so expensive! Can I still retire? For most of the last 30 years, we Americans have lived in a bubble where no one really understood first-hand what inflation was. There were a couple years from 1991-2020 that the cost of living increased by over 4%, but for most of these years the cost… Read more
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