Author: Angela Robinson


Are CDs Just as Good as Investing in the Stock Market?

Let’s get something straight up front: This is not a recommendation for any single stock or strategy. It is purely informational and its intended purpose is to help you look at logic versus emotion when it comes to your dollars. Now, having said that… Unless you have been solely investing in the so-called Magnificent Seven…
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November 21, 2023 0

2024 Tax Numbers Are Out…and Ripe for Picking

Last week the IRS announced inflation adjustments to more than 60 tax provisions for 2024. Although “inflation adjustments” may not sound like that big of a deal, it may have some low hanging fruit you don’t want to miss picking. We are in an ideal time to plan for your future. Short-term interest rates are…
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November 15, 2023 0
Roth IRA

Should You Convert to a Roth IRA?

There is nothing like waking up on a Monday morning…and taking a look at our national debt. That certainly ought to get your juices going, so let’s take a good look: Are you aware that as of September 2023, it costs 879 billion dollars to simply maintain our debt each year? This is 14% of…
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October 31, 2023 0

Two Reasons You Get Sued

The first is when you do something… and the second is when you don’t. This satirical statement, shared by a good friend, may have given you a chuckle, but there is a wealth of truth lurking behind it. Frankly, we are living in a litigious world. We would all like to believe that the people…
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October 11, 2023 0

How Bad Will Inflation Effect My Retirement?

Let’s face it, inflation hurts. You may be buying a little less these days…or not, and just spending more. You may be performing a tango between the two. No matter, if you are breathing and spending your own money then chances are you’re starting to see the effects of inflation on your lifestyle. I heard…
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October 3, 2023 0

5 Tax Matters You Need to Know About

“In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin While that may be true, changes to our tax system are not certain and are ever changing. So here we are again – a new day with new rules. Here are 5 things you need to be aware of, in no particular…
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September 5, 2023 0
Asset Protection

Are Your Assets Protected?

Most people don’t even know how to answer that question, much less feel confident enough to answer with a resounding “yes.” The truth is that most assets are naturally not ‘asset protected.’ This means that unless you have done some planning and maneuvering specifically aimed at asset protection, well… These are the most common issues…
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August 30, 2023 0
529 Plans

529s – You Have More Options Now

Thanks to legislation enacted over the past 5 years, our rating of a 529 has received a boost. The beauty of a 529 plan has always been the tax-deferred growth and the potential tax-free withdrawals for college. But…. Prior to 2017, this savings vehicle was pretty straight forward. You could use the funds for qualified…
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August 9, 2023 0

Too Much Information

Did you know as of 2023 there are over 1.13 billion websites on the internet?1 In 1996, there were only around 100,000. At what point, is there too much information out there? Have you ever tried to self-diagnose a few health symptoms? After Googling for a while, you might just learn you only have a…
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July 25, 2023 0

Securities offered through Calton & Associates, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Investment advisory services offered through Smart Money Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Smart Money Group, LLC and Kennedy Financial Services, Inc. are not owned or controlled by Calton & Associates, Inc.