Death – It Happens

You are invincible, right? We all like to think we are… at least until we aren’t. Did you know twenty percent of men die before retirement age? Twenty percent! That’s two in ten men!1. The odds in Vegas can be worse than that and thousands of people still show up to gamble every day.
So now the question is: have you planned for it? What will happen to your wife if you get hit by a Mack Truck or fall over dead? Will she be able to continue her life as usual? Or will she be forced to make drastic changes? Can she go back to work? Do you want her to? What about the kids? Who will care for them? What about their education?
The two biggest financial priorities seem to be paying the bills today and during retirement. The third is usually paying for your kids’ college. Perhaps this is why nearly half of the people that die every day in the U.S. die without life insurance.2. And even those that have insurance, are usually underinsured. It just isn’t a priority. Maybe it is too time consuming. Maybe you don’t know how to buy it. Maybe you think it’s too expensive. Maybe you don’t trust insurance agents. Maybe you don’t think you need it because you’re healthy.
My Dad is always saying and asking, “You will never change you mind based on what already know now. Would you agree? However, if given new information, would you possibly change your mind?”
Of course we can if the information makes better sense than that which we already knew. So what if:
It wasn’t time consuming…
You knew how to buy it….
It wasn’t expensive…
You bought it yourself and was not “sold” something…
You were no longer healthy a year from now…
Here is some information you might want to know:
- There are several carriers and products today that issue policies up to a million dollars with a short electronic application and a telephone interview alone. Some even issue higher amounts with this same process.
- There is an app for that—knowing how much you need. Simply download the Life Happens app and follow the directions.
- You might be shocked to know how little it actually costs. A 39-year old male can get a 400,000-dollar policy for less than 19 dollars a month! And…it is easy to find out. Just go to and find out in a matter of seconds what your need will cost.
- By going through our website, you can do it yourself. You can pick the company you want to do business with and go through the process on your own with step by step guidance.
- The people that are always telling us that wish they had more life insurance are the ones that can no longer get it. Don’t wait until something happens. It will be too late. Buy it when you are healthy. Better yet—buy it when you are young and healthy. It’s a lot less money that way.
Is your family ready if you were killed today? Would you be able to take care of them the way you would want to? If the answer is no or you don’t know, at the very least, take a minute to find out using the Life Happens app now. It is the least you can do to say “I love you.”