Across most of the world, our American work ethic is perceived as crazy. There was an article in Business Insider called, 11 American Work Habits Other Countries Avoid at All Costs.1. It named these: Crazy long hours Very little vacation time Not enough family leave Americans eat at their desk Breaks during the day are… Read more
Over the weekend, I read commentary around a new book by a gentleman named Bill Perkins. The book is called “Die with Zero,” and the premises is just that—you don’t get to take it with you, so you need to enjoy it and attain fulfillment. This fulfillment, Perkins states, may include giving money to your… Read more
The holiday season is upon us; from story time with sorely missed grandchildren to laughter with friends and family over long-cherished memories, there’s little doubt that “the most wonderful time of the year” has arrived. For most families, this season is a time of reflection and connection as we bid farewell to the old year… Read more
Let’s get something straight up front: This is not a recommendation for any single stock or strategy. It is purely informational and its intended purpose is to help you look at logic versus emotion when it comes to your dollars. Now, having said that… Unless you have been solely investing in the so-called Magnificent Seven… Read more
Did you know as of 2023 there are over 1.13 billion websites on the internet?1 In 1996, there were only around 100,000. At what point, is there too much information out there? Have you ever tried to self-diagnose a few health symptoms? After Googling for a while, you might just learn you only have a… Read more
Earlier this year, we shared a parable about a giant ship engine that quit working. Countless hours and money were spent hiring experts to do the job. No one could get it working. Then, along came an old man who had been working on ship engines since he was a child. He inspected the engine… Read more
Money is tight for many families today. Just a couple of years ago, most Americans felt pretty good. We had higher than ever real wages, the government was pumping money into the economy, and prices were cheap. Today these are mere memories: Families are being squeezed by both inflation and the government pulling money out… Read more
It doesn’t take rocket science to employ time value of money – it’s simply the power of time and compound interest. If you started saving $1,000 a month at 20 years of age and it earns 8% a year, this would mean you would have almost 5.3 million dollars at age 65. But…. If you… Read more
Imagine spending your entire life building a business only to wake up at 63 and find it isn’t worth anything. Most of us think, “how sad, but that won’t happen to my business…I have worked too hard or my industry is too strong or there will always be a need for what I do or….”… Read more
Have you ever met anyone that doesn’t have at least one area of clutter in his/her house? I would bet that even the tidiest of homes has a closet or drawer that gets cluttered from time to time. Life gets busy. We throw stuff here and there, planning to deal with it later. Then before… Read more
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