Author: Angela Robinson


Making the Most of a Full Nest

During a recent coaching call, everyone was sharing the best things that have come from the significant changes COVID-19 has forced upon our lives. One gentleman shared that his three kids (all in their twenties) have moved back in with him and his wife. After enjoying an empty nest for the last three years, he…
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May 27, 2020 0

COVID 19: The End of an Era

A dear friend of ours once said, “When chicken feathers are all you have, you have to turn it into chicken soup.” COVID-19 has left us with chicken feathers. For some, it might be the illness itself, the loss of a loved one, finances. For all of us though, there are many things we have…
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May 8, 2020 0

Down is Good

“In some ways, predicting the economy is even more difficult than forecasting the weather, because the economy is not made up of molecules whose behavior is subject to the laws of physics, but rather of human beings who are themselves thinking about the future and whose behavior may be influenced by the forecasts that others…
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April 27, 2020 0

COVID 19: The Personal Finance Test of a Lifetime

Perhaps you will be able to weather through this pandemic financially, but chances are that someone close to you will not. Pass this along. It may just save someone’s financial future. Transunion is monitoring the financial impact on U.S. Consumers weekly. In their latest report using data from the week ending March 30th, 3 out…
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April 13, 2020 0

The CARES Act and Other Relief Programs

A few weeks ago, I shared an analogy Steven Furtick gave about what we’re going through. He stated that everyone keeps saying we’re in the same boat, but we aren’t. We’re in the same storm – but some of us on are aboard a war ship while others are on a raft…or less. Three phases…
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April 7, 2020 0

A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste

This is a quote by Paul Romer, co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2018. In other words, you can either go through it or grow through it. If you have never heard the story of Admiral Jim Stockdale, it needs to be at the top of your quarantine pastime list. This Medal of…
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March 30, 2020 0
Down Market

A Down Market Opportunity

These past couple of weeks have been treacherous for the markets. Between the media, coronavirus, the media, the primaries, the media, Saudi and Russia’s oil feud, and the media…market volatility came back with a vengeance. We don’t believe the markets are headed for doom and gloom. Two weeks ago, we wrote a piece on why…
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March 13, 2020 0

6 Lessons from an Estate Litigator

Will your family have good Christmases and Thanksgivings after you are gone? Most of us would like to think so. We never want to believe our kids would fight over money or possessions. We ask this very question as we go through our Legacy Planning Process. The answer is almost always the same. Yes. Our…
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March 9, 2020 0

Are the Markets Headed for Doom and Gloom?

There is a tiny amount of volatility back in the markets—well, maybe not so tiny. What does it mean? Is it just a pull-back that we will rebound from shortly? Will it just be another volatile year where nothing really happens? Or…are we headed for a recession? If you are familiar with the 24 Hours…
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March 2, 2020 0

Election Year

Talking to people, there is already a general consensus of how the 2020 election is going to turn out. Whether from optimism or cynicism, most people currently believe Trump will be re-elected. Most likely this is true as most presidents, no matter which side of the aisle, get re-elected when Americans are reaping the rewards…
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February 24, 2020 0

Securities offered through Calton & Associates, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Investment advisory services offered through Smart Money Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Smart Money Group, LLC and Kennedy Financial Services, Inc. are not owned or controlled by Calton & Associates, Inc.