What Do You Want Your Story to Be?

What Do You Want Your Story to Be?

September 12, 2024 All Articles Life Planning 0

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought- whoa, that can’t be right? Who is this old person staring back at me?

As funny or not so funny as this may be, the fact is that life is short and it seems to hurry along faster the older we get. We look up and our kids are grown. We look up and we have grandkids. We look up…and it is hard to get up.

You would think we would take heed of time marching on the first time we see those wisdom lines appear in the mirror and see someone we don’t quite recognize. Yet most of us simply don’t. We just keep going, staying busy, keeping are heads down and nose to the grindstone, keep scrolling, etc.

The question is, are you living LIFE on purpose?

Imagine yourself in your favorite spot in the world. You are in the last days of your life and looking back at your story. What do you want your story to be?

Are you living that story today? If not, why not? If not, how do you change your course?

Most of us get one shot to raise our kids. Most of us get one shot at enjoying our grandkids when they are young. Most of us get one shot at retirement! And we only have our health while we have it.

Life is short. It is too short to go through the motions and live it by default.

We are designed with a calling. We are designed to love and be loved. We are designed to have purpose.

Years ago, I was in a study group and went through the exercise of writing my own obituary. It was eye opening. It showed me things about myself that I didn’t like. It revealed to me areas that I considered very important, yet were not prioritized in my life. And it gave me clarity of how I needed to be living.

Try it! See what you learn about yourself and about your current story. My bet is that there are things that you will want to do differently to write the story you really want.

If you need some motivation to get going, just look in the mirror. Time is not on your side! You better start living the story you want or you may never get the chance. Carpe Diem!


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