Category: Retirement


When Should I Take My Social Security?

You were probably hoping to click on this article and finally get a straight and simple answer…And looking to your friends and relatives, you think you know the answer already.  Over 80% of the people eligible to start taking Social Security file their claim before their Full Retirement Age (which is most commonly age 67).1…
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September 2, 2022 0

The Retirement Nightmare

Just the idea of that makes you want to grind your teeth. Retirement is supposed to be anything but a nightmare, right? After all, it’s your Golden Years. You worked so hard to get here. It’s a dream come true… or is it? Right now, it could be a scary time to retire or be…
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August 11, 2022 0

401(k) Pitfalls and Opportunities

There are several reasons you may want to move your 401(k) to an IRA. It might simply be to consolidate your investments or to get away from unnecessary fees. It might be to make a Roth conversion. It might be to obtain an active money manager or work with a more holistic advisor. Whatever the…
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August 4, 2022 0

5 Hidden Dollar Dings in Post-Pandemic America

We may not exactly be post-COVID yet, but our world is certainly settling into a new rhythm that looks a lot more normal than the past couple of years. With that being said, many Americans have made huge changes in this short time. Many companies went virtual in 2020, giving their employees the opportunity to…
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July 5, 2022 0

Summertime Checkup

Summer’s here, and the time is right for vacations, outdoor activities, and fun. It’s also a good time to consider a few financial matters. Here are some questions to ask yourself mid-year. Goals still the same for 2022? Has market volatility affected your goals? Note any changes since the first of the year that may…
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June 13, 2022 0

Rethinking Your Thinking

We have all been completely blind-sided by this Pandemic and the weight of it is carrying through to almost every aspect of our lives. Needless to say, in many areas, Pre-Pandemic thinking may need rethinking. Day-to-day living has changed beyond imagination – not only are we trying to stay safe, we are trying to stay…
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April 5, 2022 0
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Your Financial House

Have you ever met anyone that doesn’t have at least one area of clutter in his/her house? I would bet that even the tidiest of homes has a closet or drawer that gets cluttered from time to time. Life gets busy. We throw stuff here and there, planning to deal with it later. Then before…
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March 21, 2022 0

Paying Taxes on Your Terms

Did you know you can often choose when to pay tax? By default, you can often choose how much you will pay. There is no trick or “gotcha.” It is simply a result of understanding how taxes work for or against your situation. “The hardest thing to understand in the world is income tax.” —Albert…
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March 14, 2022 0

My Farm & Ranch: Transitioning and Retirement Planning

I recently read an article offering a few statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and one in particular caught my eye: Did you know that the average age of a farm operator in the U.S. is 57.5 years old?!1 At age 57, every farmer or rancher should be considering – or have already considered –…
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March 7, 2022 0

Is Your Retirement Portfolio Built to Last?

If two retirees both average 6.6% return over 30 years and take the same income in retirement, shouldn’t they both end up with the same amount of money? You may find the answer very surprising. In fact, wouldn’t it be sad if one of these retirees ran out of money well before the 30 years…
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February 22, 2022 0

Securities offered through Calton & Associates, Inc. member FINRA and SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Investment advisory services offered through Smart Money Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Smart Money Group, LLC and Kennedy Financial Services, Inc. are not owned or controlled by Calton & Associates, Inc.